Claws Mail for Windows XP (32/64 bit)

Claws Mail for Windows XP

Claws Mail for Windows XP - open source mail aggregator with the ability to view pdf and djvu files. The application supports standard and secure messaging protocols, allows you to encrypt mail using GnuPG and process an unlimited number of connected mailboxes.

The utility contains a customizable letter editor, is able to check spelling, perform complex formatting, work with tables and various encodings. The program includes a menu with an account tree, a window for previewing the letter body, a customizable function key panel and a widget for the system tray. You can free download Claws Mail official latest version for Windows XP in English.

Technical information Claws Mail

DOWNLOAD FREEScreenshot Claws Mail for Windows XPRelated Software
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  2. Microsoft OutlookMicrosoft Outlook
  3. Opera MailOpera Mail
  4. eM ClienteM Client
  5. Zimbra DesktopZimbra Desktop
  6. FoxMailFoxMail