CINEBENCH for Windows XP (32/64 bit)

CINEBENCH for Windows XP allows you to check the performance of the video card and CPU. The program is a benchmark that includes 2 tests with photo-realistic scenes.
For the CPU provides a test with 2,000 objects. The video controller is being tested with the launch of a 3D scene that has a total of a million polygons. The result is the derivation of numerical values represented by frame rate per second and PTS performance points. Multi-core chips can be tested with the loading of each individual core. You can free download CINEBENCH official latest version for Windows XP in English.
Technical information CINEBENCH
DOWNLOAD FREE- Software License: FreeWare
- Languages: English (en)
- Publisher Software: MAXON Computer
- Gadgets: Desktop PC, Ultrabook, Laptop
- Operating System: Windows XP Professional Edition / Home Edition / 64-bit Edition / Zver / PC Edition / Starter Edition / Service Pack 1 / SP2 / SP3 (32/64 bit), x86
- CINEBENCH new full version 2025

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